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News from the NZSSAA
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NZSSAA Service Awards

9 August 2017 9:40am

NZSSAA is calling for nominations for service to secondary school athletes from teachers, coaches and others involved with our sport (Track, Field, Road Race and Cross Country). People may nominate themselves or be nominated by someone who has knowledge of their nominee’s involvement.

NZSSAA has been in existence since 1973 and there are many who have given years of service over that time and we wish to recognise that with the presentation of a service badge even if they have been retired from active involvement for a number of years.

As a guide for those being nominated we have used the Athletics NZ 20 years of involvement as being the requirement for a service award but will be flexible on that depending on circumstances.

Please email your nominations with the name of the school or region they have been most closely associated with and a brief citation covering their service to secondary school athletics to John Tylden by Nov 1 2017.

Major USA Indoor Competition Opportunity - Simplot Games

27 July 2017 8:37am

NZ Secondary School would like to select a small team of 6-8 athletes to compete in the Simplot indoor games from 15 -17 February, 2018. The team will depart on February 12 and return on February 20, 2018. This is the largest indoor high school invitational in the western half of the USA. There will be US Olympians in attendance to meet and mentor participating athletes. The meet patron is Dick Fosbury who changed the high jump with his new technique in the late 1960s.

Athletes Expression of Interest

Selection for this team will be based on performances during the 2016-17 season. If you are interested, please supply all relevant performances to support your selection, particularly at Athletics New Zealand Championships and North/South Island Champs.

Costs to team members are yet to be set but are likely to be around $3000 (which will cover airfare and hotels. Meals will be as we go). Selection will be made from senior high school athletes between the ages of 16 and 18 who will still be enrolled in high school in February 2018. Please email Ed. Fern by August 18 at ferns7@xtra.co.nz to register your interest. Put “Simplot Games” in the subject line of the email.

Information about this event can be found at http://simplotgames.com/

Paper Team Application Form

26 June 2017 10:10am

Australian Cross Country Champs

21 June 2017 12:30am

Selected Team

Congratulations to the following athletes who have been selected to compete in the Australian Cross Country Championships.


Senior athletes outside the top 12 female and male finishers in the NZSS Cross Country Championships who would like to be considered for selection should email the Team Manager Rhys Taucher.

Additional Coach/Managers required

Expressions of interest for up to 2 positions of assistant coach/manager to take the NZSSAA team to the Australian Schools Cross Country Championships in Hobart, August 12- 14 are called for. Applications should be emailed to John Tylden, NZSSAA Chairman by June 10 2017 using oe@nzssaa.org.nz. Please provide a brief resume of your experience with secondary school cross country athletes and events. If you have any questions please email John Tylden.

Cross Country Results

14 June 2017 11:37am


Lost Property
  • Red framed glasses, white scarf, black long sleeve XS training look. Please contact John Gamblin if these may belong to you.


NZSS Cross Country Social cancelled

10 June 2017 9:55am

The NZSS Cross Country Social has been regrettably cancelled due to limited ticket sales. Schools who purchased tickets are asked to email oe@nzssaa.org.nz requesting a refund and supplying an account number to make the refund to.

World Secondary Schools' Cross Country Championships 2018

31 May 2017 8:29am

The World Secondary Schools’ Cross Country Championships 2018 is to be held in Paris, France, 2-7 April. NZSSAA intends to take a full team to this event. More details below.

Primary School Cross Country Race

26 May 2017 1:51pm

The Primary School Cross Country Race is on Saturday 17 June at QE2 Park in Christchurch, and follows the Secondary School races. Please see the following for more information.

Sport Management Software

18 May 2017 11:53am

NZSSAA would like to bring ZO-Sports to the attention of all schools interested in a software programme to help with the management of school sports events and, in particular, with Athletics Sports.

The NZSSAA Executive have viewed a demonstration of the programme and believe it is very worthy of being recommended to everyone interested in the smooth management of their sports day from entries to final results.

A total management system for running School Athletics, Swimming and Cross Country Days. This is a free software package available to all New Zealand schools. It has the flexibility to allow your school to retain its unique events and to be able to run the days the way you always have. For demonstration videos and to order your free copy visit the website at zo-sports.com

Facebook page

18 May 2017 11:51am

The NZSSAA now has a facebook page. Please visit it below and like or follow to receive updates posted through it.

South Island and North Island Results

3 April 2017 10:46am

South Island

North Island
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