Managers' Meeting3 December 2002 9:12pm The Managers’ Meeting Inglewood High School Hall The Managers’ Meeting will be followed by the AGM of the NZSSAA. |
Taranaki Champs Entries26 November 2002 9:12pm div(update). UPDATE: Entries processed since the first posting online are now also available for checking. The entires received thus far for the Adidas New Zealand Secondary Schools Athletic Championships 2002 are now available online for checking. There are some late entries yet to be processed and hence are not available on the site yet. Please visit this page to start checking your entries. |
Entries Reminder15 October 2002 9:11pm A reminder that entries close for the Adidas New Zealand Secondary Schools Track & Field and Road Race Championships in Inglewood, Taranaki on the 22 October. A timetable of important dates is below:
Taranaki T & F Champs9 August 2002 9:08pm div(update). UPDATE: Newsletter 1 is available: Standards and Competition Rules are now available online. The Competition Rules are subject to change as more information is confirmed. The Standards are available here: |