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Cross Country Team

16 July 2013 5:48pm

The team to compete in the Australian Championships in Launceston Saturday 31 August, Sunday 1 September 2013 is named below.

Managers/coaches for Australian Cross Country Championship

25 June 2013 9:20pm

NZSSAA is calling for expression of interest for two assistants/coaches to travel to the Australian Cross Country Championships in Tasmania with a selected NZSSAA boys and girls team. Travel dates are from Thursday 29 August to Monday 2 September. Please apply by email to Geoff Shaw at geoff1332@hotmail.com by Wednesday July 10. The tour will be led by Alec McNab from Wanganui Collegiate. Please include a one-page CV. If you have any questions please email Geoff Shaw.

Cross Country Photos & Video

18 June 2013 11:35am

Photos from the Cross Country Championships are available to purchase from Nesport.

Video’s of the races except for Year 9 Girls’ are available on www.nzrunningacademy.co.nz. Greg Lautenslager would like to hear from anyone who videoed the Year 9 Girls’ race and can can arrange to have it uploaded.

Cross Country Selected Team

16 June 2013 9:08pm

The New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Paper Team selection for Cross Country is now available.

Cross Country Results

14 June 2013 10:17pm

Final results (except for Senior Boys) are now available.

Due to a malfunction in the electronic timing system during the Senior Boys race we have been unable to identify three athletes from the photo finish. If your athlete is missing from the results please let us know, along with their race number and estimated time and school uniform colours.

Our Deepest Sympathy to the Family of Lesley Cantwell

12 June 2013 11:05am

Lesley Cantwell passed away on Friday morning June 8 in Papeete. On Tuesday Lesley had won the Oceania 5000 metres Women’s Race Walk and while waiting for the medal ceremony she felt unwell, collapsed and was taken to hospital where she was placed on life support. Lesley’s family were able to travel to Papeete to be with her in her final hours.

Lesley represented Fiordland College at several of our championships in the early 2000’s as well as competing at regional and South Island Schools championships and she continued with athletics to become one of New Zealand’s most promising race walkers.

The Executive on behalf of NZSSAA wish to express our deepest sympathy to Lesley’s family. Lesley’s father Shaun, Deputy Principal at Fiordland College, has been a huge supporter of secondary school athletics throughout his teaching career and we would ask that everyone in our sport join with us in supporting the Cantwell family in their time of grief with our thoughts and prayers.

Lesley leaves behind her 3 year old daughter Brooke. Athletics NZ has established a fund for Brooke’s future support and donations can be made to ASB account number 12 3192 0002433 05.

Geoff Shaw
NZSSAA President

ISF World Schools Cross-Country Championships Israel March 30-April 4 2014

12 June 2013 11:04am

At the last NZSSAA executive meeting it was decided not to send New Zealand selected teams to the next cross-country championships. However individual schools can still apply to the NZSSAA to attend these championships. One boys’ and one girls’ team will be eligible to be selected. Selection of school based teams will take place after the New Zealand schools cross-country championships being held in Christchurch on June 15.

Schools interested in attending need to apply by email to NZSSAA by June 30. If there is more than one team in each category the New Zealand school selectors will rank the applicants. Schools interested in travelling to this event in 2014 need to note the following points.

1) This event will be held from March 30 to April 4 2014. Teams would be expected to leave New Zealand around 23/24 of March and return around 6/7 of April.
2) Athletes and schools wanting to attend these championships will miss the New Zealand Track and Field championships being held in late March and may also miss the North and South Island championships.
3) The cost of the tour should be between $5000-$6000 per athlete.
4) If one boys and one girls team travel to Israel, Michelle Pollard from Tauranga Girls College will be Head of Delegation and coordinate the organization for teams travelling to Israel.

Geoff Shaw
President NZSSAA


10 June 2013 8:30am

Information is below about the New Zealand Secondary Schools Athletic Association’s Senior Cross Country Team to compete in the Australian Championships in Launceston Saturday 31 August, Sunday 1 September 2013.

Newsletter Two

6 June 2013 9:10am

Newsletter Two is now available. Please note that Newsletter One and the Venue Map have been updated with changes.

Cross Country Entries

5 May 2013 10:22am

The online entries for the Cross Country Championships is now open.

The T-shirt and disco order forms are now also available:

Entries received so far are below. Please note that these are updated periodically, and entries only appear after payment has been received.

Accommodation Offer in Christchurch

1 May 2013 7:25am

Don Dalgliesh has about 15 beds available in Christchurch for the NZSSXC. A package deal is available at $170 per head, which covers bus, accommodation and meals, or could provide accommodation only. This deal is available to students, teachers and parents.

Anyone interested to contact: Don Dalgliesh, Email: dondalgliesh@xtra.co.nz, Phone: 04 473 9414, Mobile: 027 407 0988.

Past Cross Country Results

28 April 2013 9:48am

A history of the NZSS Cross Country Champs is being collated in an effort to celebrate 40 years in 2013. Unfortunately two years, 1996 and 1998, are proving difficult to find results for.

A request is now being made to previous teachers, parents, coaches and athletes in an attempt to complete a full set of results for these two years.

Any results booklets or information for either the 1996 event in Nelson or the 1998 event in Christchurch for the top ten athletes in both the Junior and Senior grades as well as in the three- and six-person team events would be greatly appreciated.

For the individual results the top ten finishers in all grades as well as the first, second and third place getters times are being sought.

Any information can be emailed to b.smith@tbc.school.nz or oe@nzssaa.org.nz.

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