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Accommodation at Victoria House

7 November 2011 12:51pm

Accommodation is available at Victoria House, which is a university hostel. The charge is $52.00 per person and that includes all meals and the room with all the linen.

For further information contact michelle@vichouse.co.nz

Track, Field and Road Race Online Entries

27 October 2011 10:05am

Online entries for the Track, Field and Road Race Championships are now open. To get started with your online entries, go to Entry Procedures.

The design and order form for the Track, Field and Road Race Champs t-shirt are below.

Continuation of Year 9 grade at the Road Race Championships

7 October 2011 12:00am

Update: The Executive would like to thank the many people who emailed their thoughts on this suggestion, all of whom saw the advantages of retaining the Year 9 grade for the Road Race. As a consequence of this feedback we will continue to offer this grade at our Road Race Championships.

Original proposal: Feedback on the whether or not to continue with the Year 9 grade at the Road Race championships after this year would be appreciated. There has been some discussion about the generally lowish participation rate in this event and whether it would be best to revert to just having a Junior (U16) grade. This would have the effect of improving the level of competition in the Junior grade particularly in the teams races. Counter to this is the desirability of providing an introductory event that is not too daunting for our year 9 students. There are a number of other pros and cons to consider but rather than direct thinking too much the executive is interested in the thoughts and opinions of interested people who have been involved such as coaches, managers, parents and competitors. Please email your response to John Tylden at oe@nzssaa.org.nz . The intention is to discuss a possible change at our December AGM.

Team Manager / Coach Positions for ISF World Secondary Schools Cross Country Championships, Malta

12 September 2011 12:00am

Applications for the Manager/Coach positions to accompany our NZSSAA teams to Malta in late March early April are now called for. We are looking to appoint 2 people( 1 man, 1 woman) who have been involved with managing and coaching secondary school cross country runners competing at our championships and who have the necessary skills and experience to prepare our top young runners for international competition. Ideally the managers will be selected from teachers involved with school based cross country running but people other than teachers who also manage and train school teams are welcome to apply.They will be joining a Head of Delegation and an overall Team manager and the 2 team managers of the school teams from Rangiruru and New Plymouth Boys. Please be aware that this trip will be during term one and is likely to require leave for approximately 2 weeks. Please email your applications to Geoff Shaw at geoff1332@hotmail.com with a brief resume and the names and contact details for 2 referees. Applications close on 14 October 2011.

Track, Field and Road Race Officials Aplication Form

30 August 2011 12:00am

NISS Cross Country Relays 2011 Results

28 August 2011 12:00am

Australian Secondary Schools Cross Country Relays Results

26 August 2011 12:00am

Congratulations to the NZSS Under 20 Men who won their event and to the Under 20 Women and Under 18 Men were both third in their events.

Teams for the ISF World Secondary Schools Cross Country Championships Malta, March 2012

12 August 2011 11:38am

Congratulations to the athletes who have been selected to represent NZSS in Malta from the 25th to the 30th of March 2012 at these championships.

Cross Country Selected Team

15 July 2011 11:58am

Cross Country Refunds

11 July 2011 9:16pm

Refund of Cross Country Entry Fees for Northern Schools unable to compete because of the Ash Cloud travel disruption:

North Island schools affected by their flight cancellations are asked to email John Tylden at oe@nzssaa.org detailing the flight cancelled, the number of their runners who were prevented from attending the championships and providing a contact and address to send the refund cheque to. Where some runners were able to take part please explain why others were unable to attend.

Worlds' Selection Policy and Nomination Form

22 June 2011 8:17pm

We intend to send a selected team of both boys and girls and the required two school teams to Malta in April 2012 for the World Schools’ Cross Country. The selection policy and nomination form are below.

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