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Course and Map

21 May 2010 8:11pm

The course is mainly on a hard sand and peat base, quite flat on the clear grassed areas but undulating and quite demanding over the rest of the course. Bare feet are not recommended although athletes used to running barefoot may decide to do that. Come prepared with shoes though just in case. There are 2 substantial equestrian hurdles per lap although one of them is relatively low depending on the running line taken and the other can be climbed over easily if necessary.

Cross Country Disco

17 May 2010 8:59am

St Patrick’s College Silverstream, Upper Hutt will host this year’s NZSSAA Cross Country Disco

The Disco will be in the St Patrick’s College Auditorium from 7pm until 10.30pm and tickets will be $10 per person. Ticket orders and payment can be made by Team Managers when doing entries online. A limited number of tickets may be available for purchase by Team Managers at the course but this is not guaranteed if sales online have been heavy. Snacks and drinks will be on sale at the disco. There will be no pass outs available during the disco and Team Managers must deliver their athletes to the disco and collect them at the conclusion.

A function for Team Managers will be held in the school pavilion with access to Sky Sport for the rugby fans.

Cross Country Events for Athletes with a Disability

3 May 2010 9:30pm

Athletes with a disability that fit into one of the 4 categories below may be entered into the race for their age grade eg Junior Girls 3000 metres Under 16 December 2010. AWD athletes will compete against their able bodied counterparts and will be placed in their finishing position in that race and could count in school teams that have a mix of able bodied and AWD athletes. They will also be identified in their AWD category and placed within that group potentially qualifying for for individual medals and team medals within that group. In order that we are prepared for the number of medals that may be required it would be appreciated if schools intending to enter AWD athletes could email oe@nzssaa.org.nz indicating that please.

The AWD categories are:

Athletes with a disability who have cerebral palsy – (AWDCP)

Athletes who have cerebral palsy or have had a head injury or a stroke and
are ambulant ie. do not use a wheelchair.

Athletes with a disability who are an amputee or have other physical disabilities – (AWDAMP/OTHER)

This may include athletes who have a limb deficiency, impaired muscle power, range of movement or who are short in stature. For athletes competing in the “other” category contact classification@paralympics.org.nz or (09) 526 0760 for information on eligibility.

Athletes with a Visual Impairment – (AWDVI)

Athletes who have a visual impairment who are registered, or qualify to be registered, with the Royal New Zealand Foundation for the Blind.

Athletes with a disability who have an intellectual disability – (AWDID)

Athletes who have been diagnosed with a specific Intellectual Disability and/or are functioning at a cognitive level that would result in an unfair competition with their able bodied peers.

Cross Country Entries Open

29 April 2010 9:34pm

Entries are now open for the Cross Country Championships.

World Schools' Cross Country Champs

27 April 2010 4:50pm

Margot Gibson of Christchurch won the girls title at the world schools cross country championships held in Liptovsky Mikulas Slovakia on Wednesday.The three times New Zealand secondary schools’ junior cross country champion just pipped another New Zealander Rebekah Greene of Dunedin for the title. Gibson recorded 12m 7.05s for the 3500m with Greene crossing the finish in 12m 7.42s. Eleanor Wardleworth of Australia was third in 12m 14.63s with Belgium’s Imana Truyers fourth in 12m 18.40s. Other New Zealand placings were Kerry White 14th in 12m 39.21s, Georgie Grgec 20th in 12m 52.60s, Bridget Hicks 22nd in 13m 10.61s and Jaye Atkin 25th in 13m 36.88s. Despite finishing first and second in the race New Zealand were second in the teams race, beaten by Australia.
In 2008 Esther Keown won the world girls’ title at the championships held in the Czech Republic.
Michael Sutton was third in the boys’ 5500m in 16m 35.92s. Declan Wilson was 9th in 16m 51.86s, Jake Stamper 15th in 17m 19.35s, Sam Morreau 17th in 17m 24.78s, Hassan Roble 19th in 17m 28.28s and Mohamed Ali 26th in 18m 14.41s. New Zealand were fourth in the teams race.
Wanganui Collegiate entered a team in the girls’ teams race. Their placings were Laura Holt 15th in 13m 13.05s, Georgie Blackwood 17th in 13m 20.17s, Laura Bell 20th in 13m 24.19s, Kate Jefferd 26th in 13m 33.23s, Melissa Gillespie 29th in 13m 55.81s and Rachel Swansbury 45th in 14m 33.82s. They finished fourth in the teams race.
Auckland Grammar School entered a team in the boys’ teams race. Their placings were Seton Hill 7th in 17m 4.40s, Cameron Burstall 8th in 17m 11.41s, Magnus Whyte 13th in 17m 45.39s, Christopher Boswell 25th in 18m 10.09s, James Watt 40th in 18m 39.63s and Jack Moody 55th in 19m 19.76s. AGS were second in the teams race.

Cross Country Newsletter

27 April 2010 4:47pm

The first and only newsletter for the 2010 Cross Country Championships is available.

Track and Field in Hastings

27 April 2010 4:46pm

NZSSAA Executive is pleased to confirm that the 2010 Track, Field and Road Race Championships will be held in Hastings on December 11/12.

North/South Island Results

20 March 2010 10:14pm

Results are available for both the North and South Island Track and Field Championships.

North/South Island Champs

1 March 2010 1:21pm

Information is available below for the North and South Island Champs.

North Island: South Island:


21 December 2009 8:44am

Updated with YOC Application Form

Congratulations to all of the athletes who have been selected in the NZSSAA ‘Paper’ teams for 2009. This selection enables athletes to get a small amount of financial help to attend the Young Olympians Camp in Wanganui January 24 – 27 if they are not members of the Athletics NZ Rio 2016 squad. It also provides up to $500 support if the athlete is selected as part of an NZSSAA or Athletics NZ team or development squad travelling overseas within the next 12 months.

Some athletes may have received the wrong certificate when they were issued in Timaru, receiving a Road Race certificate instead of a Track and Field certificate or vice versa. If you are one of the athletes affected please email John Tylden at tylden@xtra.co.nz for a replacement certificate. Please include your postal address. 8 athletes have been added to the Road Race Team selections. Please email your address to John Tylden for your certificate and other forms.

Next Year's Track & Field Champs

18 December 2009 8:46am

Congratulations and thank you to the Timaru based Local Organising Committee for a very well run and enjoyable Track, Field and Road Race Championships. It is expected that next years championships will be held in Hastings on December 11/12 and final confirmation of this will be announced at the beginning of February.


17 December 2009 9:32pm

Photos are available to order from the Track, Field and Road Race Championships from Nesport.

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