Timing Chips and Lost Property
Timing Chips not handed in at the end of the Road Races: Please post to John Gamblin at 25 Amoka Crescent, Parklands, Christchurch 8083. Lost Property: If you are missing any property please email both Ian Thomas and John Gamblin johngam@xtra.co.nz, Ian.Thomas@athleticscanterbury.org.nz.. |
NZSSAA 50th Jubilee Track and Field and 48th Road Race Championships, Nga Puna Wai Sports Hub, Christchurch, December 8-10, 2023
Road Race Results The intention is to show these on Athletic Live as soon as they are available.
Following feedback up to August 31 the following changes to the original programme have been made:
Should any changes be of concern please email oe@nzssaa.org.nz. |
50th Track & Field Championships Dinner
The New Zealand Secondary Schools Athletics Association will be holding a dinner to celebrate the 50th running of these Championships first held in 1973 in Christchurch. This year’s championships will also be held in Christchurch to commemorate this important milestone. A dinner to mark this event will take place at the Nga Puna Wai Sports Hub Lounge and Cafe. on Friday December 8 following the end of Day 1 competition. See below for more information. |
Catering for teams at the Track, Field and Road Race Champs
Catering In A Box are offering catering options (on-site and delivered) for teams travelling to the championships in Christchurch. Please see information below. They can be contacted by email cateringinabox@gmail.com. |