Results Available
Results are available for the Cross Country Championships. 3 Person Team Results: 6 Person Team Results: |
Amenities Map & Athletes Forum
A map detailing the amenities available at the Cross Country Championships is available. The Athletes Forum and brief managers meeting are at Kavanagh College just round the corner from Otago Boys High School as earlier announced. We are still awaiting a decision about the prize giving which may also be being transfered to that venue. |
Cross Country Newsletter
The second newsletter for the Secondary Schools Cross Country Championships is available. |
Cross Country Entries
Online Entries for the 2004 Cross Country Championships are now open. Entries are open until the 14 June with the late entry period commencing 10 June. Those from each school entering athletes into the competition will need the user name and password issued. If you do not still have this information you will need to contact to organise for your user name and password to be sent to your school. This process is faster if you send your request from a school e-mail address. |
Cross Country Newsletter
div(update). UPDATE: Accommodation available during the championships is available on the following website: The first newsletter for the 31st Cross Country Championships has been made available. |