Results & Photos
Results are now available below from the Cross Country Championships. |
Entries & Museum
Entries received for the Cross Country Championships can be viewed online. The Southward Car Museum will be staying open until 6.00 pm on Friday for anyone wishing to have a look at their fantastic display of cars etc. |
T-Shirt design and order form
Orders are now being taken for the official 2010 New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Cross Country t-shirts. The t-shirts are 100% cotton, pre-shrunk, and available in sizes from children’s 14 to large. The cost is $20 each. T-shirts will be placed with the school’s race packs and can be picked up at registration. The deadline for the t-shirt orders is June 14. There will be a very limited supply on sale at the race headquarters at Waikanae Park. |
Pasta Party at Southwards Museum
Friday 18 June 5.30 pm to 9.00 pm Programme
Team Managers: Book your tickets @ $14 per person online when you do your entries. Any Race packs not collected earlier in the day will be available to pick up from Southwards Museum during the evening. |
Programme Change
Due to the addition of a separate AWD race the programme published in the newsletter has been pushed back to the following times.
Additional opportunity available for AWD athletes
There will be an Open AWD Combined Category 2 km cross country race held at the start of the programme at 10.30 am. AWD athletes may be entered in that event if they consider it is a better option for them rather than competing in the age grade races. AWD athletes must choose between the 2 options though. They cannot do both events. Athletes competing in the open race must have turned 13 prior to the 31st of December 2010 and be under 21 at the same date. |
Course and Map
The course is mainly on a hard sand and peat base, quite flat on the clear grassed areas but undulating and quite demanding over the rest of the course. Bare feet are not recommended although athletes used to running barefoot may decide to do that. Come prepared with shoes though just in case. There are 2 substantial equestrian hurdles per lap although one of them is relatively low depending on the running line taken and the other can be climbed over easily if necessary. |
Cross Country Disco
St Patrick’s College Silverstream, Upper Hutt will host this year’s NZSSAA Cross Country Disco The Disco will be in the St Patrick’s College Auditorium from 7pm until 10.30pm and tickets will be $10 per person. Ticket orders and payment can be made by Team Managers when doing entries online. A limited number of tickets may be available for purchase by Team Managers at the course but this is not guaranteed if sales online have been heavy. Snacks and drinks will be on sale at the disco. There will be no pass outs available during the disco and Team Managers must deliver their athletes to the disco and collect them at the conclusion. A function for Team Managers will be held in the school pavilion with access to Sky Sport for the rugby fans. |
Cross Country Events for Athletes with a Disability
Athletes with a disability that fit into one of the 4 categories below may be entered into the race for their age grade eg Junior Girls 3000 metres Under 16 December 2010. AWD athletes will compete against their able bodied counterparts and will be placed in their finishing position in that race and could count in school teams that have a mix of able bodied and AWD athletes. They will also be identified in their AWD category and placed within that group potentially qualifying for for individual medals and team medals within that group. In order that we are prepared for the number of medals that may be required it would be appreciated if schools intending to enter AWD athletes could email indicating that please. The AWD categories are: Athletes with a disability who have cerebral palsy – (AWDCP) Athletes who have cerebral palsy or have had a head injury or a stroke and Athletes with a disability who are an amputee or have other physical disabilities – (AWDAMP/OTHER) This may include athletes who have a limb deficiency, impaired muscle power, range of movement or who are short in stature. For athletes competing in the “other” category contact or (09) 526 0760 for information on eligibility. Athletes with a Visual Impairment – (AWDVI) Athletes who have a visual impairment who are registered, or qualify to be registered, with the Royal New Zealand Foundation for the Blind. Athletes with a disability who have an intellectual disability – (AWDID) Athletes who have been diagnosed with a specific Intellectual Disability and/or are functioning at a cognitive level that would result in an unfair competition with their able bodied peers. |
Cross Country Entries Open
Entries are now open for the Cross Country Championships. |
Cross Country Newsletter
The first and only newsletter for the 2010 Cross Country Championships is available. |