Cross Country Photos & Video
Photos from the Cross Country Championships are available to purchase from Nesport. Video’s of the races except for Year 9 Girls’ are available on Greg Lautenslager would like to hear from anyone who videoed the Year 9 Girls’ race and can can arrange to have it uploaded. |
Cross Country Results
Final results (except for Senior Boys) are now available.
Due to a malfunction in the electronic timing system during the Senior Boys race we have been unable to identify three athletes from the photo finish. If your athlete is missing from the results please let us know, along with their race number and estimated time and school uniform colours. |
Newsletter Two
Newsletter Two is now available. Please note that Newsletter One and the Venue Map have been updated with changes.
Cross Country Entries
The online entries for the Cross Country Championships is now open. The T-shirt and disco order forms are now also available: Entries received so far are below. Please note that these are updated periodically, and entries only appear after payment has been received. |
Accommodation Offer in Christchurch
Don Dalgliesh has about 15 beds available in Christchurch for the NZSSXC. A package deal is available at $170 per head, which covers bus, accommodation and meals, or could provide accommodation only. This deal is available to students, teachers and parents. Anyone interested to contact: Don Dalgliesh, Email:, Phone: 04 473 9414, Mobile: 027 407 0988. |
Cross Country Champs
Newsletter One for the Cross Country Championships is now available, as are the course and venue maps.