Lost and Found from Cross Country Champs
Cross Country Champs Results
Results are available: Photos Podium NZSSAA Cross Country Championships Photographs now available with event number search at www.photos4sale.co.nz. Cross Country Selected Team |
Cross Country Championships
Information for the Cross Country Championships:
Expandasign With almost 20 years of operation behind them, Expandasign has built up a reputation as the leading portable event signage company in New Zealand. Located in Rotorua, Expandasign is pleased to be appointed the Preferred Signage Supplier for the Podium NZ Secondary Schools X-Country Championships. To celebrate this partnership, Expandasign are offering our participating schools some great portable signage offers. |
Cross Country Accommodation Offers
There are a variety of providers offering accommodation for the Cross Country Championships. Details below. Holiday Inn Booked your accommodation in Rotorua yet for the Podium NZ Secondary Schools X-Country Champs? Holiday Inn Rotorua have you covered with a geothermally heated pool (perfect for post X-Country muscle recovery), spacious rooms with comfortable beds and the famous Chapmanās Buffet Restaurant. Bring the whole family because at Holiday Inn Rotorua Kids Stay and Eat for Free*, making it the perfect base to support those competing in the X-Country Championships. Accommodation Offer at All Seasons Holiday Park There are 50 beds booked at All Seasons Holiday Park, in Rotorua, in dormitory style accommodation. If any group is interested in joining us and having the experience of mixing with others, the cost is $110 per head for 2 nights accommodation, including evening meals on Friday and Saturday, and breakfasts on Saturday and Sunday. Anyone interested please contact Don Dalgliesh as soon as possible. Phone: 04 473 9414 Holdens Bay Holiday Park We have a range of accommodation to offer, and our motto is: “A bed for every budget”.So if there are any last minute bookings or any overflow accommodation you would like nearby, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for a competitive quotation. You are also welcome to visit our website: www.holdensbay.co.nz. We look forward to hearing from you soon! |
NZSSAA Cross Country Championships, Rotorua, June 18 -19
An exciting new event is planned as part of the 2016 NZSS Cross Country Championships in Rotorua. After Saturdays individual races athletes are encouraged to attend a regional relay event held at the same location. Athletes will compete in relay teams of five runners each completing a 2000m lap. Three divisions across both girls and boys grades will provide a competitive and spectator friendly event. Schools are encouraged to have their entire team attend the event in an effort to support selected athletes and to help create a festival atmosphere. |