NZSSAA Track, Field and Road Race Championships, Timaru, 4-6 December
Please remember that scratchings close midnight 30 November. Any scratchings from then on are complete scratchings from the championships. Live results will be available on the Athletics NZ website.
Road Race Courses Para Athlete Information |
The NZSSAA AGM will be held at 7.00pm at the Southern Trust Events Centre, Aorangi Park, on December 4. |
Message to those with interest in Javelin
Please find a flyer below about a meeting for the identification and development of javelin throwing talent in New Zealand, to take place at the Track and Field Championships. |
Bolt Running Event
The Bolt – part of the Podium Rotorua Running Festival – is a unique event on the New Zealand road racing calendar. It features a peak-time, multi-lap, city-centre couse with $3,000 cash and prizes on oer, making it the richest 5K race in the country. More information below. |
Australian Cross Country Championships
The NZSS Cross Country Team (2015) competed in Melbourne on the 29th August at the Australian Cross Country Championships, held at Moonee Valley Racecourse. Full results report below. |
World Secondary Schools' Cross Country Championships 2016
Congratulations to the following athletes who have been selected to represent New Zealand Secondary Schools at the ISF World Cross Country Championships in Hungary April 2016. NZSSAA also congratulates the selected Schools Teams: Girls: St Cuthbert’s College, Boys: Sacred Heart College (Auckland) and thanks Wanganui Collegiate School and New Plymouth Boys’ High School for their interest and worthy applications. Individual athletes who wish to be considered for the NZSSAA Team should send an expression of interest that can be downloaded from the NZSSAA website and received no later than Friday 31 July. It should be noted that only athletes at Secondary School in 2016 are eligible. Athletes must be born in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001. While performance at the NZ Schools is a major factor in selection other performances will be considered by selectors including the Athletics New Zealand Cross Country on August 1. |
Australian Cross Country Championships
Congratulations to the following athletes who have been selected to represent NZSSAA at the 2015 Australian Cross Country Championships, August 29 and the Australian All Schools relays August 31 in Melbourne. The Team Managers are Rhys Taucher, Sacred Heart College Auckland and Val Burke, Reach your Peak, Wanaka with assistance from Alec McNab and Don Dalgliesh. These forms must be completed by any senior runner who finished in the top 12 places at the NZSSAA Cross Country championships who did not pick up their information pack at the medals ceremony but intends being a member of the NZSS team. Runners who finished outside the top 12 or were unable to compete and who would like to be considered for selection should also complete them. |
Cross Country Results and Paper Team
Results from the Cross Country Championships. The 2015 paper team, and subsidy application form: Photographs from the event are now: |
Social Cancelled
Due to low numbers interested in the Social this will not be going ahead on Saturday. We required a minimum number of 200 tickets to be sold to cover the costs of running the event and make it a viable fundraiser. We did not reach this number. Thank you to all the schools which did show an interest in attending. Reimbursements will be arranged for payments that have been already made. Schools will need to email the accounts department at Queen’s High School with their bank account details: Yvonne Covey If managers and their athletes are looking for other activities to attend for the evening you could consider:
Cross Country Championships
Entries received so far can be viewed at the below link. Please note that entries do not appear until they have been paid for and a receipt issued. Note that these entries are only periodically updated. |
Travel and Accommodation for Dunedin
Due to a cancellation, I have a limited number of spaces available for Dunedin. We are travelling from Christchurch, leaving at 9.45am on the Friday and returning by 3pm on the Sunday. For bus fares, accommodation and meals, the cost is $250 per person. If you are just interested in accommodation and meals in Dunedin, we can offer that as an option as well. This offer is open to students, teachers, coaches and parents until the end on May. Don Dalgliesh |
Outstanding Medals from the Track, Field and Road Race Championships in Whanganui 2014
A number of relay teams and road race teams did not receive all their medals during the presentations. Could team managers email John Tylden with the details and an address to post the medals to please. |